This tutorial demonstrates how to use the polaron transformed Redfield equation (PTRE) in HOQST. For more details on the PTRE, see [1] Non-canonical distribution and non-equilibrium transport beyond weak system-bath coupling regime: A polaron transformation approach.
We solve both the Redfield equation and the PTRE for a single qubit Hamiltonian
\[ H_\mathrm{S}=\epsilon \sigma_z + \Delta \sigma_x \]
coupled to an Ohmic bath via $\sigma_z$ interaction:
\[ H = H_\mathrm{S} + \sigma_z \otimes B + H_\mathrm{B}\ . \]
Loosely, the main difference between the Redfield equation and PTRE is that they have different bath correlation functions. For the Redfield equation, the bath correlation function is
\[ C(t_1, t_2) = \langle B(t_1)B(t_2) \rangle \ . \]
In the polaron frame, however, the bath correlation function becomes
\[ K(t_1, t_2) = \exp\Big\{ -4 \int_0^t \int_{-\infty}^{0}C(t_1, t_2) \mathrm{d}t_1 \mathrm{d}t_2 \Big\} \ . \]
Interested readers can refer to [2] Macroscopic Resonant Tunneling in the Presence of Low Frequency Noise and [3] Dynamics of the dissipative two-state system for more details.
The most straightforward analysis is to compare the error bounds given in [4] Completely positive master equation for arbitrary driving and small level spacing between the Redfield equation and PTRE. We define the error scaling parameter as
\[ error = \frac{\tau_\mathrm{B}}{\tau_\mathrm{SB}} \ . \]
Then we plot the error ratio between the Redfield equation and the PTRE
\[ R = \frac{error_{\mathrm{Redfield}}}{error_{\mathrm{PTRE}}} \ , \]
vs. the system bath coupling strength $\eta g^2$ while fixing other parameters in the Ohmic bath.
using OrdinaryDiffEq, OpenQuantumTools, Plots using LaTeXStrings function err_bound(tf, cfun) tsb, esb = τ_SB(cfun) tb, eb = τ_B(cfun, tf, tsb) tb / tsb end fc = 4; T =12; tf = 1000; ηlist = log_uniform(1e-3, 5, 1000) err_ratio = [] err_clist = [] err_klist = [] for η in ηlist bath = Ohmic(η, fc, T) cfun = (x)->correlation(x, bath) pfun = (x)->polaron_correlation(x, bath) err_c = err_bound(tf, cfun) err_k = err_bound(tf, pfun) push!(err_clist, err_c) push!(err_klist, err_k) push!(err_ratio, err_c/err_k) end idx = findfirst((x)->x>=1, err_ratio) plot(ηlist, err_ratio, xscale=:log10, yscale=:log10, label="", linewidth=2) vline!([ηlist[idx]], label="", linestyle=:dash, linewidth=2) annotate!([(0.5, 1.0, Plots.text("polaron")), (0.01, 1.0, Plots.text("Redfield"))]) xlabel!(L"\eta g^2") ylabel!("R")
From the above figure we observe that when the system-bath coupling strength is larger than $10^{-1}$, the PTRE should have better error scaling than the standard form of the Redfield equation. We also plot the corresponding error values for both the Redfield equation and the PTRE:
plot(ηlist, err_clist, xscale=:log10, yscale=:log10, label="Redfield", linewidth=2) plot!(ηlist, err_klist, xscale=:log10, yscale=:log10, label="PTRE", linewidth=2) xlabel!(L"\eta g^2") ylabel!("error")
The above figure confirms that the Redfield equation applies to the weak-coupling regime while the PTRE applies to the strong coupling regime.
Since the Redfield equation and the PTRE have identical forms, solve_redfield
can also be used for the PTRE. To see this, let's first write down the PTRE for our example.
\[ \dot{\rho}_\mathrm{S} = \epsilon σ_z + [ \sigma_i, \Lambda_i(t) \rho_\mathrm{S}(t) ] + h.c. \]
where $i,j \in [+, -]$, $i \neq j$ and
\[ \Lambda_i(t)=\Delta^2 \int_0^{t} K(t-\tau)U(t,\tau) \sigma_j U^\dagger(t,\tau) \mathrm{d}\tau \ . \]
From the above equations, it is clear that the following steps are needed to define an evolution in the polaron frame:
define a new Hamiltonian $H = \epsilon σ_z$;
define new coupling operators $\sigma_-$ and $\sigma_+$;
define a new correlated bath with two-point correlation $K_{i,j}(t_1, t_2)$;
The following code block illustrates how this can be done in HOQST:
# assume ϵ = 1 const Δ = 0.1 # define the Ohmic bath in the polaron transformed frame η = 0.5; bath = Ohmic(η, fc, T) K(t1, t2) = Δ^2 * polaron_correlation(t1-t2, bath) cfun = [nothing K; K nothing] pbath = CorrelatedBath(((1,2),(2,1)), correlation=cfun) # define coupling as σ+ and σ- operators σp = [0 1;0 0.0im]; σm = [0 0;1 0.0im] coupling = ConstantCouplings([σp, σm]) # manually define the unitary operator U(t) = exp(-2.0im * π * σz * t) H = DenseHamiltonian([(s)->1.0], [σz]) u0 = PauliVec[3][1] annealing = Annealing(H, u0, coupling = coupling, bath = pbath) tf = 100 sol_ptre = solve_redfield(annealing, tf, U, alg=Tsit5(), Ta=2, reltol=1e-5) pop_e = [real(s[1,1]) for s in sol_ptre.u] plot(sol_ptre.t, pop_e, xlabel=L"t\ (\mathrm{ns})", ylabel=L"P_0(t)", label="", linewidth = 2)
For historical reasons, this is known as an example of "incoherent tunneling". The off-diagonal elements of the density matrix in the computational basis (the Z-basis) vanish during the entire evolution (shown in the next section).
What happens to the Redfield equation in this regime? We can also try:
H = DenseHamiltonian([(s)->1.0], [σz+0.1*σx]) coupling = ConstantCouplings(["Z"]) annealing = Annealing(H, u0, coupling = coupling, bath = bath) tf = 100 # manually define the unitary operator U(t) = exp(-2.0im * π * (σz+0.1*σx) * t) sol_redfield = solve_redfield(annealing, tf, U, alg=Tsit5(), Ta=40, reltol=1e-5, callback=PositivityCheckCallback())
retcode: Terminated Interpolation: specialized 4th order "free" interpolation t: 22-element Vector{Float64}: 0.0 0.003928759496976375 0.005712702105779054 0.00868538284690315 0.010748436797295107 0.013343972909612483 0.015630574875531853 0.018040070229891184 0.020327710050893358 0.022614512268462634 ⋮ 0.03126733644196358 0.03336262989102297 0.03544603050483967 0.03752137951197164 0.03959565980312375 0.04167340886800694 0.04375982866539185 0.04585917830352944 0.04797576487851534 u: 22-element Vector{Matrix{ComplexF64}}: [1.0 + 0.0im 0.0 + 0.0im; 0.0 + 0.0im 0.0 + 0.0im] [0.9999942655705363 + 0.0im 2.3405168745021195e-5 + 0.00219374300574346im; 2.3405168745021195e-5 - 0.00219374300574346im 5.734429463642047e-6 + 0.0im ] [0.9999885526527795 + 0.0im -1.6098894434093695e-5 + 0.0028681886770785987 im; -1.6098894434093695e-5 - 0.0028681886770785987im 1.1447347220274872e-5 + 0.0im] [0.9999762824915798 + 0.0im -0.00026798716109694765 + 0.003654533478940986 im; -0.00026798716109694765 - 0.003654533478940986im 2.3717508419724734e-5 + 0.0im] [0.9999662031906074 + 0.0im -0.0005842937299489406 + 0.004120304221198509i m; -0.0005842937299489406 - 0.004120304221198509im 3.379680939219504e-5 + 0 .0im] [0.9999517825461793 + 0.0im -0.001115605899581189 + 0.004729454751473413im ; -0.001115605899581189 - 0.004729454751473413im 4.82174538193727e-5 + 0.0i m] [0.9999373816728743 + 0.0im -0.0016835737348890997 + 0.005297796662131235i m; -0.0016835737348890997 - 0.005297796662131235im 6.261832712481899e-5 + 0 .0im] [0.9999204146273409 + 0.0im -0.0023717853091745696 + 0.005910253580108264i m; -0.0023717853091745696 - 0.005910253580108264im 7.958537265799662e-5 + 0 .0im] [0.9999025905694068 + 0.0im -0.003105230981241366 + 0.006488770467415236im ; -0.003105230981241366 - 0.006488770467415236im 9.740943059240977e-5 + 0.0 im] [0.999883126735672 + 0.0im -0.003913250858523132 + 0.007054790877644963im; -0.003913250858523132 - 0.007054790877644963im 0.00011687326432621205 + 0. 0im] ⋮ [0.9997954625649402 + 0.0im -0.007593216989156528 + 0.009016925074664294im ; -0.007593216989156528 - 0.009016925074664294im 0.000204537435058375 + 0.0 im] [0.9997711556620502 + 0.0im -0.008619684963591303 + 0.009442538470109785im ; -0.008619684963591303 - 0.009442538470109785im 0.00022884433794879795 + 0 .0im] [0.9997459018236546 + 0.0im -0.009687884470117376 + 0.009845730915410916im ; -0.009687884470117376 - 0.009845730915410916im 0.00025409817634431124 + 0 .0im] [0.9997197219479761 + 0.0im -0.010796892837049153 + 0.010227599257367563im ; -0.010796892837049153 - 0.010227599257367563im 0.0002802780520233289 + 0. 0im] [0.9996925858837132 + 0.0im -0.011948024515996868 + 0.010589794153091936im ; -0.011948024515996868 - 0.010589794153091936im 0.0003074141162859749 + 0. 0im] [0.9996644830460419 + 0.0im -0.01314181747724239 + 0.010933448746627866im; -0.01314181747724239 - 0.010933448746627866im 0.0003355169539566007 + 0.0i m] [0.9996353847581846 + 0.0im -0.014379622631485891 + 0.011259742442199539im ; -0.014379622631485891 - 0.011259742442199539im 0.0003646152418134799 + 0. 0im] [0.999605267069751 + 0.0im -0.015662623261621465 + 0.011569632687661376im; -0.015662623261621465 - 0.011569632687661376im 0.0003947329302471738 + 0.0 im] [0.9995740985607838 + 0.0im -0.016992346716545714 + 0.011864024725645031im ; -0.016992346716545714 - 0.011864024725645031im 0.0004259014392143201 + 0. 0im]
The Redfield equation becomes non-positive in a very short evolution time. To fix this issue, we use the coarse-grained master equation (CGME) instead.
tf = 50 solc = solve_cgme(annealing, tf, U, alg=Tsit5(), reltol=1e-3, int_atol=1e-3, int_rtol=1e-3) t_axis = range(0,50,length=200) pop_e = [real(sol_ptre(t)[1,1]) for t in t_axis] pop_e_cg = [real(solc(t)[1,1]) for t in t_axis] plot(t_axis, pop_e, xlabel=L"t\ (\mathrm{ns})", ylabel=L"P_0(t)", label="PTRE", linewidth = 2) plot!(t_axis, pop_e_cg, xlabel=L"t\ (\mathrm{ns})", ylabel=L"P_0(t)", label="CGME", linewidth = 2)
The PTRE gives a much stronger decay than the Redfield equation for the parameters chosen in this example. One can also verify the amplitude of the off-diagonal elements during the evolution. Unlike the PTRE, the solution of the CGME has non-vanishing off-diagonal elements of the density matrix.
t_axis = range(0, 0.2, length=100) off_diag_ptre = [abs(sol_ptre(t)[1,2]) for t in t_axis] off_diag_cg = [abs(solc(t)[1,2]) for t in t_axis] plot(t_axis, off_diag_ptre, xlabel=L"t\ (\mathrm{ns})", ylabel=L"\lvert \rho_{12} \rvert|(t)", label="PTRE", linewidth = 2, legend=:right) plot!(t_axis, off_diag_cg, xlabel=L"t\ (\mathrm{ns})", ylabel=L"|\rho_{12}(t)|", label="CGME", linewidth = 2)
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using HOQSTTutorials
Computer Information:
Julia Version 1.6.0
Commit f9720dc2eb (2021-03-24 12:55 UTC)
Platform Info:
OS: Windows (x86_64-w64-mingw32)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-11.0.1 (ORCJIT, skylake)
Package Information:
Status `tutorials\introduction\Project.toml`
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[e429f160-8886-11e9-20cb-0dbe84e78965] OpenQuantumTools 0.6.2
[91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80] Plots 1.11.2
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