Redfield equation with multi-axis noise

Huo Chen

Redfield equation with multi-axis couplings

In this example, we show how to solve the Redfield equation with the following Hamiltonian

\[ H(s) = - \sigma_z + \sigma_x \otimes B_1 + \sigma_z \otimes B_2 + H_\mathrm{B} \ , \]

where $B_1$​ and $B_2$​ are independent Ohmic baths with different cutoff frequencies.

Define the evolution

First, we need to combine AbstractCouplings with AbstractBath into an Interaction object. Then we combine different interactions into an InteractionSet:

using OrdinaryDiffEq, OpenQuantumTools, Plots

coupling_1 = ConstantCouplings(["X"])
bath_1 = Ohmic(1e-4, 4, 16)
interaction_1 = Interaction(coupling_1, bath_1)

coupling_2 = ConstantCouplings(["Z"])
bath_2 = Ohmic(1e-4, 0.1, 16)
interaction_2 = Interaction(coupling_2, bath_2)

interaction_set = InteractionSet(interaction_1, interaction_2);

Finally, we can create an Annealing object with InteractionSet instead of coupling and bath:

H = DenseHamiltonian([(s) -> 1.0], -[σz], unit = )
u0 = PauliVec[1][1]
annealing_1 = Annealing(H, u0, coupling=coupling_1, bath = bath_1)
annealing_2 = Annealing(H, u0, coupling=coupling_2, bath = bath_2)
annealing = Annealing(H, u0, interactions=interaction_set)
Annealing with hType QTBase.DenseHamiltonian{Complex{Float64}} and uType Ar
u0 with size: (2,)

Solve the Redfield equation

We solve the Redfield equation with $X$, $Z$, and $X$ plus $Z$ couplings:

tf = 10
# Generate the unitary first
U = solve_unitary(annealing, tf, alg=Tsit5(), reltol=1e-6)
# tag the unitary so the solver know it has inplace update method
# this will speed up the calculation of integral
U = InplaceUnitary(U)
 # Solve the Redfield equation
sol_1 = solve_redfield(annealing_1, tf, U, alg = Tsit5(), abstol = 1e-6, reltol = 1e-6)
sol_2 = solve_redfield(annealing_2, tf, U, alg = Tsit5(), abstol = 1e-6, reltol = 1e-6)
sol = solve_redfield(annealing, tf, U, alg = Tsit5(), abstol = 1e-6, reltol = 1e-6)

We plot $\langle X \rangle$ for the above three cases:

t_list = range(0,tf,length=200)
x_nopulse = []
z_nopulse = []
xz_nopulse = []
for s in t_list
    push!(x_nopulse, real(tr(σx*sol_1(s))))
    push!(z_nopulse, real(tr(σx*sol_2(s))))
    push!(xz_nopulse, real(tr(σx*sol(s))))
plot(t_list, x_nopulse, linewidth=2, label="X coupling")
plot!(t_list, z_nopulse, linewidth=2, label="Z coupling")
plot!(t_list, xz_nopulse, linewidth=2, label="X+Z coupling")

Instantaneous pulses

In this last section, we run the same simulation with a single $X$ pulse in the middle of the evolution (spin echo). This can be done by creating a Callback object and feeding it to the solver. For ideal pulses, we can use the built-in function InstPulseCallback. This has similar effects as dynamical decoupling (except that the pulse does not commute with the system Hamiltonian).

# in this example, we apply a Z pulse in the middle of the evolution
# for the InstPulseCallback constructor
# the first argument is a list of times where the pulses are applied
# the second argument is a function to update the state update!(c, pulse_index
# the function will update the state c with give pulse_index
cbu = InstPulseCallback([0.5 * tf], (c, x) -> c .= σx * c)
cb = InstPulseCallback([0.5 * tf], (c, x) -> c .= σx * c * σx)
annealing_1 = Annealing(H, u0, coupling = coupling_1, bath = bath_1)
annealing_2 = Annealing(H, u0, coupling=coupling_2, bath = bath_2)
annealing = Annealing(H, u0, interactions=interaction_set)

tf = 10
U = solve_unitary(annealing, tf, alg=Tsit5(), reltol=1e-6, callback = cbu);
U = InplaceUnitary(U)
sol_1 = solve_redfield(annealing_1, tf, U, alg = Tsit5(), reltol = 1e-6, callback=cb)
sol_2 = solve_redfield(annealing_2, tf, U, alg = Tsit5(), reltol = 1e-6, callback=cb)
sol = solve_redfield(annealing, tf, U, alg = Tsit5(), reltol = 1e-6, callback=cb);
t_list = range(0,tf,length=200)
x_pulse = []
z_pulse = []
xz_pulse = []
for s in t_list
    push!(x_pulse, real(tr(σx*sol_1(s))))
    push!(z_pulse, real(tr(σx*sol_2(s))))
    push!(xz_pulse, real(tr(σx*sol(s))))
plot(t_list, x_pulse, linewidth=2, label="X coupling", legend=:topleft, color=1)
plot!(t_list, z_pulse, linewidth=2, label="Z coupling", color=2)
plot!(t_list, xz_pulse, linewidth=2, label="X+Z coupling", color=3)
plot!(t_list, x_nopulse, linewidth=2, linestyle=:dash, label="X coupling with no pulse", color=1)
plot!(t_list, z_nopulse, linewidth=2, linestyle=:dash, label="Z coupling with no pulse", color=2)
plot!(t_list, xz_nopulse, linewidth=2, linestyle=:dash, label="X+Z coupling with no pulse", color=3)

We can see that the echo pulse slightly reduced the envelope's decay rates for the case where $Z$ coupling is present.